
Showing posts from September, 2023

Life Happenings for Isaiah & Calli

The hard thing about blogging is that communicating in this way requires margin, which is hard to come by in this adult life. Alas, today I acquired a random day off from work due to a power outage; hence, this blog-time! The end of Summer at the Boardwalk Chapel was so bless-ed, which much love and conversions (at least 17-20...but the Lord truly knows his true sheep, not I) and excitement. I did get all the way well (my last blog logged remnants of sickness), and I loved being at the BWC in the weeks following even more due to good health. Got to act in more skits and sing more and have more conversations too! There are many I have missed and will miss from N.J., but that's one aspect of being a Christian that I love---the party in Glory where we will see all of our long-lost people makes goodbyes less bitter. Death and Goodbyes BOTH lose their sting in the light of Christ's Glorious plan. Isaiah stayed at the BWC for 2 more weeks whilst I went home to get started with anothe