
Showing posts from April, 2024

The Present and the Future: The Human Challenge

Currently, Isaiah and I reside in a special season of remaining present whilst preparing for the future; that season humanly called transition. We are selling our home (it is on the market; please pray for the right buyer) as Isaiah graduates at the end of May. Come Summer, we'll be at the Boardwalk Chapel again--that glorious, well-known place of fellowship and evangelism we have come to love deeply. Isaiah will again serve as an Evangelism Coordinator whilst I will remain his faithful helpmeet. Come Fall, we'll land in a currently-unknown State for Isaiah to complete a year-long internship through our denomination: the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. This means that we are packing via a 2-way method. Some items are being packed up to come with us for the Summer; others are being boxed to be put into pods and later shipped to whatever state we end up in for Isaiah's internship (currently there are 2 possibilities). As I have been minimizing our items and organizing our lives