Endings & Beginnings

Greetings All! 

It's been some time since I've written a blog post. I'm much less romantic and wide-sweeping than the previous Calli who wrote about missions dreams and before that, about single-hood and goals. So, it feels a bit odd typing this.  Isaiah and I have been married for 8 years, and reality has been a part of our lives in a more full-force way for quite some time now. I'll have been in Education for 9 years come this final week of giving high school exams, and Isaiah will have been working on a bread route for 6.5 years. We've been interested and called to church-planting/missions since the beginning, but life sometimes has ways of slowing you down; I've heard it's often for the sake of maturity. :) 

I've started this blog as a way to keep folks in the loop while we are at the Boardwalk Chapel (ministry of the OPC) this Summer. Isaiah will be a Summer Intern there, the internship a part of his road to Seminary completion. He's currently 2/3rds of the way through an M. Div. from RTS Charlotte, and I am such a proud wife, one following her husband to the BWC this Summer in hopes of rest, time together, and practice for the future. I don't know exactly what the Summer will look like for me, but I know I will be surrounded by God-loving people and will be with the man I love and am proud of as he works for the Lord. 

Pray for us as we finish up life before Summer--this week is exam week for teacher-me, graduation is Friday night. Next week is Isaiah's last week at the bread route before Summer, and next week will also be full of papers and Final exams for Isaiah as well. His last day of classes is Tuesday, but he has items due after that. We plan to be headed to NJ around the 29th. Many details and strings are untied as of yet, so pray for us to finish strong, and for the Lord to bring all things together. More info and updates coming soon. 



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