Progress: Ending our Current Chapters

 Good Evening, Friends,

Accomplishments for this past week include 2 completed Seminary papers for Isaiah. One for Systematic Theology II and one for Christian Encounter with Islam. He also attended his last class for this semester on Tuesday. We will visit RTS Charlotte one more time before driving up to the Boardwalk Chapel to return his library books and check out the 40% off sale at the RTS bookstore: Wellinghall. (Yes, please! You can always use more books, right? 😉...I mean, at least we can see.) He has his last official work week this week, and I couldn't be more proud of him...even as he corrects my grammar as I write this paragraph. 😏 But...that's my Isaiah...been correcting me ever since he first visited me in the college writing center even though I was the tutor! Gotta' love him, and I do. Please pray for hime as he completes 3 Final Exams this week. 

I also finished my final work week this past week at Rockwell Christian, and all of my hard-working students passed my English classes. Yay Jesus and tutoring hours with them...haha! Honestly, I am always happy to see improvement at the year's end (#Proudteachermoments). We are so capable of so much through and in Christ, and I love seeing people start to believe that and work hard! Isaiah kindly attended Graduation with me Friday night. We both got dressed up (pictures attached), and I had a wonderful time being the photographer for the evening. Lots of great pictures of Seniors who I know the Lord will use. The Yearbook Staff and I also finished the Yearbook for the year, and submitted on time! 🙌

I will take at least one more trip back to work on Monday to make sure the homeroom is tidy, and all files are where they should be. But, other than that, next week will be filled with packing for the Boardwalk Chapel and tying up loose ends before an epic road trip filled with plenty of audiobooks and podcasts...definitely planning on getting caught up on the podcast "Outward OPC" as we make our way north since that will inspire and encourage us. 

Here's to lots of future Seawall walks and crossword puzzles before bed with the hubs. And here's to a Summer filled with awesome brothers and sisters in Jesus too! 

God has given us such a good, good life. He has been kind in giving us grace to finish this chapter strong. And what a good, good feeling that is. Such a settled feeling to finish strong and know you gave your all. May God continue to grant us favor this week. 

Goodnight beautiful people, 



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