Truckin' Along (Last Days of Preparation)

There is lots of  good news to report as we round out our final week at home. I finished all of my needed school items this week. On Monday, I went to Rockwell Christian and cleaned and organized despite my mood and lack of sleep (I had finally slept at 6AM! My schedule was off!); on Tuesday, I met with my boss for a final chat after filling out the End of Year Survey. Whether I return to RCS or not, everything is ready. It feels good to have that done, and have an open door at a school that is willing to work with me. I made sure to capture a picture that symbolizes my time there so that no matter what the future may hold, I can remember the time, cherish it, and continue in prayer for this specific area of N.C. A picture below shows me with the teacher mug my gran got me in front of the Rockwell sign on the way to school. 

The other good news is that Isaiah and I did indeed return his seminary books to the library on Tuesday, and did indeed get some great literature for 40% off (picture below) much of which we plan to read this summer. Isaiah also (Praise the Lord!) finished his 3 Final Exams Tuesday evening whilst brother-in-law Matt (who's been staying with us some) got milkshakes with me, since, after 8 years of marriage, it is a waste of time to try to go to sleep without Isaiah. [Bonus: the Lord sent Matt and I some ministry on our milkshake adventure as well! Met a new, cool friend.] We all finally called it quits around 12 or 1am, Isaiah having completed exams and Matt and I having chatted on the front porch for a bit. Speaking of 1am, the Lord was also kind in helping us fix our sleeping schedules via a long walk which tired us out Tuesday/Wednesday night!

We've enjoyed time with Matt--my amazing bro-in-law--these past 2 weeks. We've also enjoyed time with my brother Logan who sometimes comes over weekends to attend church with us. My bestie Christina Laurie, who hailed all the way from Idaho where she is finishing graduate school, also visited this week to see us before we head out for Summer. She came on Wednesday afternoon/evening and stayed until this morning, helping me pack books and clothes for the Boardwalk, helping tidy the house before we depart, and also introduced us to the TV Series "Psych" which we now love. It is always so nice when brothers and sisters dwell in unity; when we get to spend time with those in our family. Bonus: Yesterday, I got to get my glasses adjusted at the eye doctor before traveling (they were almost falling off I had stretched them out so much!), and I got some free chips and queso from a former student! Despite any hardships and tiredness and burn-out that comes, the Lord always shows his love for us in some amazing ways like chips & queso and friends who visit. 

Today is a rest day. All except the cat have gone back to their homes, and Isaiah and I can spend some couple time together, tidy the car, and perhaps do some more packing. I am getting more excited to travel to the Boardwalk, and I pray for solid fellowship and ministry for us. I do not yet know how much rest time I will need once there, but the Lord knows what we need before we ask it, and I trust Him to show me what it is He has for me and does not have for me once we arrive. I'm also excited to help compile Isaiah's resources list for his internship. Our pastor sent some book suggestions, and I love getting the opportunity to help my husband in completing a part of his internship. Isaiah knows how much I love planning and book compiling, so he gave me a fitting task. 😉

Tonight we dine with our friends, the Reiters, as a final goodbye. Tomorrow, we worship our true Lord and King and perhaps drop our cat off at a foster home for the summer. Monday, we drive. Blessings to all of those in our lives, both near and far. May the Lord bless you and keep you. And may you know that we love you much. Our limitations are great, but our God is all-sufficient. 


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