BWC Training Week 2: The Fun Begins! #LetzgoSaints!

Greetings all! We have now entered Week 2 of training at the Boardwalk Chapel. Last week was the Evangelism Conference (We hosted many people who wanted to learn and practice with the staff as we were trained by Chris Byrd). This week, there are 2 training options: an Apologetics course with Jim Z. (the head of the Chapel) and a Counseling course with Tom P. (one of the Evangelism leaders). Isaiah and I are taking the Counseling training course which uses a video series and a book called How People Change by Timothy Lane & Paul Tripp. Isaiah and I are really enjoying this viewing, discussing, and reading. We are also popping into the Apologetics training when we can since it's so awesome (in my case, when some kitchen responsibilities are finished since I am enjoying helping clean and prep dinners for the large groups here under the leadership of the great Avery!). In addition, Isaiah and I are taking part in the Evangelism team training (he is an official intern on this team; I am the visiting and eager wife). On this team, we are going through Henry Krabbendam's training on Biblical Evangelism. The current homework involves reading, sharing our testimonies in turn (I shared tonight; Isaiah shares tomorrow night!), and memorizing scripture. The verse due tomorrow is Titus 3: 7-9. I am excited to start memorizing! Please pray for us to learn from these trainings as God desires.

As an Evangelism intern, Isaiah also takes turns leading dinner devotions, sharing Sunday night sermons, and/or leading the worship (hymn) portion of Sunday night. The schedule here this week looks like early morning individual devotions, breakfast, and often a walk of some kind. Then, around 12pm, we start Counseling training; during the break, I often chop veggies or clean dishes for Domestics; we resume training and end at 4pm. From 4 to 5:30, we either rest, do homework for our trainings, chat with people or help with Dinner prep. At 5:30, we eat and then an Evangelism intern leads a devotional. After that, the different teams meet (Music, Drama, and Evangelism) for training and program preparation. Then, at night, prayer happens and evangelism teams go out to share the gospel on the Boards. Isaiah has been out leading teams every night except tonight (he is currently recovering from a little cold and a sore voice; please say a prayer that he'll be back to full service tomorrow!). I have been out evangelizing once and have led prayer team once. I hope to be able to be involved more in this way in the coming weeks since my bravery and health continue to improve as I adjust to life here. 

Oh, I simply cannot express how much change has happened in my heart in the past week--Glory be to God. Not only is the voice of Elisabeth Elliot during my devotion time teaching me much about service and a heart for missions, the Lord is also teaching me much through Bible reading (I'm currently in 1 Samuel; Saul just became king), through training, through Sabbaths, and through being surrounded by truth and great brothers and sisters in the Lord in this Dunn House we share. What a sweet and wondrous Body of Christ we have here! I have changed from wondering what my role here is to be to simply being grateful to be among the saints here and just excited to be used where I am useful. When the Spirit convicts us of pride and moves us from individual thinking to the Church as a whole thinking, we are truly free to be who the Lord made us to be, for there is a whole group of us working together on the same mission toward becoming more and more like Jesus. How excited and humbled I am to be a part of this work! 

Isaiah is currently taking Fisherman's Friend cough-drops and drinking tea in bed whilst I am here at the shared dining room table, listening to the Music team practice for the program. Soon, I will be catching up on the training homework for tomorrow before the others come home and share the good stories from the Boards which keep us all motivated in the gospel! 

Before I officially sign off for the night, I wanted to let you know that our first youth group is also here this week receiving training, hanging out with staff, praying and going out to evangelize with us! Very exciting! I loved getting to know some of the high school boys during our prayer time last night. So fun getting to hear young people's hearts as they pray with you unto God. For the entire Summer, we'll have new youth groups in every week. Next week is our last staff training week before the nightly program at the Boardwalk Chapel begins along with even more evangelism and people meeting! Most of the Junior (younger) Staff hasn't arrived yet. Our numbers will continue growing in the new few weeks! May God be praised. 

P.S. Enjoy this awesome picture of Isaiah and I in our matching hoodies and some others of breakfast/training! ;) 


Breakfast at Marvis Diner (the food is massive!)

Dr. Krabbendam via Zoom for training

Chapel on the Boardwalk

View from the Boards


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