Update! & Prayer

Things are going great here at the BWC! Isaiah and I are feeling so happy and excited to be here. Staff came in last night and will continue to come in today for our first official BWC Staff Picnic which starts at 1pm. The leaders and I (the wife!) have been here for this extra week, and we are so excited to meet up with pastors, friends, and staff to get the fellowship flowing today. We load up at 12:30pm. Please pray for us to get to know one another and live out the love that we will be sharing this Summer. 

I am so enjoying helping with Domestics. Made Torta di Riso this morning with some of the leftover rice from dinner, and it was a hit! Thank you Sasha Martin's mom who cooked this recipe which ended up in Sasha's memoir Life From Scratch! ...And thank you Megan Prahl (me ole' C.O. friend who recommended this book years ago which has been where most of my meaningful recipes have come from; I love things more--including cooking--when they're related to story). Torta di Riso a favorite of mine since it makes use of leftovers and simples from the kitchen which most of us have on hand. I've also met the Music & Drama leaders by now, and I let them know I'd help where I am able. I also plan to get more into birding while here as well as some activities through the library. 

Isaiah is currently working on sermons, and I am so proud of him. Yesterday, we had our first beach visit so far! So fun and glorious...the ocean and sand makes one so happy and reminds one of the Lord's simple and magnificent kindnesses. I also searched for shells and pebbles since I have som projects in mind that would help benefit the kitchen and Dunn House. So excited to get a whole Summer of using resources (both internal and external) to love the Lord and to love his people. Hope I can bring this joyful focus home upon return. 

Our night walk upon arrival (windy & glorious) 

Welcome to Summer! 

Bubble waffle snack that we had earlier this week 

Isaiah after his morning runs (he goes every morn!) 

First day at the Beach (yesterday!) 

Tora Di Riso from this morn. 


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