BWC Update!

 Greetings, friends, both far & near! 

Quick update: Our youth group friends from Shiloh in North Carolina headed home this past week (as well as the wonderful Elizabeth and Alaina), but the good news is that as believers we always have Glory to look forward to as well as any clandestine meetings this side of heaven...speaking of which we should get Elizabeth back this August for more ministry together! We have a new youth group in that many met on Saturday; Isaiah will meet them tonight at the Sunday night service. He loves meeting the youth groups, and getting to know them individually also helps him put together teams for night evangelism as it gives him insight. We've also gained many wonderful Junior staffers here at the Boardwalk Chapel and Dunn House. I'm only just getting to know many of them, but it's been wonderful so far. I'm so excited for what the Lord will do with such a community of Saints working for his glory. This past Friday night, a new Israeli friend who attends a Long Island church commented, "You've got quite an army out here," when observing the many staff handing out tracts and entering conversations outside of the Chapel. Indeed we do, I thought with a happy heart of excitement. 

One major benefit to having more Junior staff here (in addition to them just being awesome!) is that there are 2 more Domestics Teams helpers, which means I feel more peace about attending things at the Chapel. I've enjoyed attending most of the night services this past week, and I even got to go out and evangelize with Isaiah's team this past Friday, which was so wonderful and joy-giving. One new Domestics member (Hannah!) enjoys baking, so I'm hoping we can make more yummy treats to go with meals or for our Ladies Bible Study, which started this past Friday. The book is soooo good so far. It's called None Like Him by Jen Wilkin--all about God's attributes. I am already learning a lot. 

Unfortunately, this Saturday and Sunday I've been sick for the 2nd time this Summer, but it gives me a chance to rest, read, and update our blog. God uses all. It's also always good to be reminded of our limitations and God's sovereignty over all things, including health. Please continue to always pray simple prayers for health for staff and youth groups. Sickness was a definite issue this past week. 

Praise the Lord, God gave Isaiah wisdom for a sermon on May 25th (picture in blog) given at Ocean City, a fellow ministry to vacationers and locals alike that is in a different locale. The folks at Ocean City are so incredibly kind, and I've discovered some new friends in some of the ladies, including the pastor's wife who was a P.E. teacher for many, many years and is so spunky and full of life. The church even loaned me a great book I've been reading called Improving your Serve by Chuck Swindoll (which I had heard about via the "Strong Women" podcast--the episode with Tim Tebow's mom). It was so fun to have heard about this book (harder to find since it's an older book) the night before, and then for it to be right there waiting for me at Ocean City the next day in their loaner library. 

Pray for the Spirit to speak through Isaiah this coming week as he has more Gospel Moments at the Chapel night services! And continue to pray for night evangelism--for the Lord to bring returners and the Nations. :) 

In addition to enjoying the Chapel and Dunn House, Isaiah and I have found a new favorite hangout in Sea Shell Ice Cream, which has been here a long time! It's a simple walk from the house, and is the perfect get-a-way for a quick date complete with yummy ice cream and a tour of Norman Rockwell paintings, which are so full of what it truly means to be communal and American. I love them; always have. I believe this will be a new frequented spot in addition to Dragon House Chinese, which became a date spot of ours 8 years ago when we were first on staff. 

We are enjoying our time here. There is more ministry opportunity than can ever be met by even this large of a staff. What a glorious blessing for there to be so much purpose to be had. May your lives be full of rest and purpose too! -C

Heather and I! Heather helps often with Domestics and Chapel items. 
She's an awesome local and member of Jim's church. 
We'll also be starting a VBS back up in her neighborhood soon! 

"Love is an ice cream cone" #facts!

Isaiah training staff on the Heaven and Hell Machine, 
a great conversation starter in game form.
The questions gage where someone is in their thinking about salvation.

Isaiah shared one of his sermons on Hebrews.


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