
Showing posts from May, 2023

Truckin' Along (Last Days of Preparation)

There is lots of  good news to report as we round out our final week at home. I finished all of my needed school items this week. On Monday, I went to Rockwell Christian and cleaned and organized despite my mood and lack of sleep (I had finally slept at 6AM! My schedule was off!); on Tuesday, I met with my boss for a final chat after filling out the End of Year Survey. Whether I return to RCS or not, everything is ready. It feels good to have that done, and have an open door at a school that is willing to work with me. I made sure to capture a picture that symbolizes my time there so that no matter what the future may hold, I can remember the time, cherish it, and continue in prayer for this specific area of N.C. A picture below shows me with the teacher mug my gran got me in front of the Rockwell sign on the way to school.  The other good news is that Isaiah and I did indeed return his seminary books to the library on Tuesday, and did indeed get some great literature for 40% off (pict

Progress: Ending our Current Chapters

 Good Evening, Friends, Accomplishments for this past week include 2 completed Seminary papers for Isaiah. One for Systematic Theology II and one for Christian Encounter with Islam. He also attended his last class for this semester on Tuesday. We will visit RTS Charlotte one more time before driving up to the Boardwalk Chapel to return his library books and check out the 40% off sale at the RTS bookstore: Wellinghall. ( Yes, please! You can always use more books, right? 😉...I mean, at least we can see.) He has his last official work week this week, and I couldn't be more proud of him...even as he corrects my grammar as I write this paragraph. 😏 But...that's my Isaiah...been correcting me ever since he first visited me in the college writing center even though I was the tutor! Gotta' love him, and I do. Please pray for hime as he completes 3 Final Exams this week.  I also finished my final work week this past week at Rockwell Christian, and all of my hard-working students

Endings & Beginnings

Greetings All!  It's been some time since I've written a blog post. I'm much less romantic and wide-sweeping than the previous Calli who wrote about missions dreams and before that, about single-hood and goals. So, it feels a bit odd typing this.  Isaiah and I have been married for 8 years, and reality has been a part of our lives in a more full-force way for quite some time now. I'll have been in Education for 9 years come this final week of giving high school exams, and Isaiah will have been working on a bread route for 6.5 years. We've been interested and called to church-planting/missions since the beginning, but life sometimes has ways of slowing you down; I've heard it's often for the sake of maturity. :)  I've started this blog as a way to keep folks in the loop while we are at the Boardwalk Chapel (ministry of the OPC) this Summer. Isaiah will be a Summer Intern there, the internship a part of his road to Seminary completion. He's currently 2